Thomson Software Products Accelerates Ada 95 Release Plans

Agreement with Intermetrics Enhances Current Ada 95 Product Offering

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SAN DIEGO, CA SEPT. 27, 1995 - Thomson Software Products (formerly Alsys) today announced the signing of an agreement with Intermetrics, Inc. of Cambridge, MA to integrate Intermetrics AdaMagic front end compiler technology with the ObjectAda Ada 95-based development environment. The agreement will make it possible for Thomson Software Products to offer a full Ada 95 object-oriented programming environment in the first half of 1996.

"Since the successful introduction of our ObjectAda development environment over a year ago, we have experienced increased customer demand to bring a fully compliant Ada 95 development environment to market sooner than we anticipated," stated Jacques Brygier, director of Ada product marketing. "With the combined resources and expertise of both Intermetrics and Thomson Software Products, we will provide a more complete, feature-rich Ada 95 implementation, on more platforms, than any other environment available today. Our history as a leading developer and supplier of superior Ada technology has allowed us to react swiftly to changing market requirements, providing us with the flexibility to meet customer demands and bring products to market quickly that maintain our high standards of quality and excellence."

Thomson Software Products is working closely with Intermetrics to integrate AdaMagic with ObjectAda. The resulting technology release will be known as ObjectAda 7.0, and will feature a powerful front-end compiler integrated with an enhanced version of the ObjectAda development environment. Full Ada 95 functionality will be available, and will include multi-language capabilities, increased object-oriented support and a scaleable, tightly integrated and flexible set of development tools. Different versions of bundled environments will be provided according to the specific needs of customers.

"We are delighted that Thomson Software Products has chosen AdaMagic as part of their complete Ada 95 solution," said Mike Ryer, Intermetrics Ada marketing manager. "Thomson Software Products leadership in the industry will give them the opportunity to very quickly provide Ada 95 on a full range of platforms. Their excellent code generators and environments together with the Ada Magic front end will ensure a robust, full-featured development system," he said.

Transitioning ObjectAda Customers

"We will continue to support customers using our existing products, and will provide them with a solid upgrade path to ObjectAda 7.0 and beyond for the various host and cross platforms," continued Brygier. "As before, we will provide the tools to help ease the transition process from Ada 83 to Ada 95, while preserving investments in existing applications."

Ada 95 is the next generation Ada language revision which incorporates object oriented programming (OOP) capabilities and increased support for Real-Time systems. Ada 95 is both an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and ISO (International Standards Organization) standard.

The first release of Object Ada 7.0 will be available on HP 9000 Series 700 & 800, Sun SPARC/Solaris, IBM RS/6000 and Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT platforms. The first product based on Object Ada 7.0 technology is scheduled to ship in the first half of 1996.


Intermetrics is a 500 person Software and Systems Engineering company headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company performs research, software engineering and independent verification and validation for the government and major corporations. Intermetrics also markets off-the-shelf software products including Ada and C/C++ compilers, the AdaMagic Front End, and SAMeDL database interface. Intermetrics was the lead contractor for the design of the Ada 95 language and produced the Reference Manual and Rationale. Company specialty areas include language design, compilers and tools, real-time applications, multimedia tools and internet/world-wide-web engineering services.

Thomson Software Products

Thomson Software Products is a $75 million dollar software company with more than 400 employees and over 20,000 product installations worldwide. Company headquarters are located in Norwalk, CT, with European headquarters in Paris, France. Sales offices, distributors, and licensed agents are located throughout North America, Europe and the Pacific Rim. The company offers a wide range of high-productivity software products including; a variety of native and cross-development Ada environments; NOMAD, a family of 4GL products and capabilities for cross-platform, client/server environments and the TeleUSE User Interface Management System product lines.

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